To purchase a painting email us. We are working on an online store. We will update when that is up and running.

No U-Turn, Casein, 10"x8"

Winter Blues, Casein, 10"x8"

Caution, Casein, 12.25"x7"

Lillian's Tree, Casein, 12.25x8.75

Welcome Home, Casein 9'x7.25'

Wintery, Casein, 11.5"x8"

Old Glory, Casein, 11"x9.25"

Inviting, Casein 6'x8'

Clock Tower, Casein, 10"x7'

Snow Banks, Casein, 10.25"x8.5"

Pink Burst, Casein, 11.75"x9.75"

Sun is Setting, Casein, 11'x9"

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